QAU Alumni Association Appreciates fresh Demarcation of QAU land


Islamabad, 16th May 2020 (GNP):

Quaid-i-Azam University Alumni Association and Joint Action Committee have appreciated decision of fresh demarcation of land of Quaid-i-Azam University(QAU) Islamabad over the request of QAU administration and hoped that the fresh demarcation will be greatly helpful in resolving long pending issue of QAU land issue. They reaffirmed that no compromise will be made even over one inch of legitimate right of QAU over 1709 acres, 4 kanals and 12 marlas. They said that it is quite misfortune that top ranked university of Pakistan is facing a lot of problems including illegal enrochment by influenctial land mafia. The alumni, QAU faculty and employees would continue their struggle till handing over 1709 acres against which university administration had already paid the payment. Due to non resolution of this important issue , university is facing a lot of problems in ensuring safety and security of its premises and initiating new development projects, expansion programs. It is right time that this issue should be resolved without any further delay.