National Coordinator IUCPSS to represent Pakistan at South Asia Higher Education Moot

South Asia Higher Education Symposium to be held on 19th June 2020


Islamabad: 11th June 2020 (GNP): South Asia Higher Education Symposium willl be held on 19th June 2020 on the topic "Transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic”. National Coordinator Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan and Country Coordinator Global Academics Leadership Academy Pakistan, Murtaza Noor will be representing Pakistan alongwith distinguished experts from other South Asian countries. The speakers will be sharing latest updates and developments in high education sector after the outbreak of COVID-19. This experience sharing session will also highlight the lessons learnt by the South Asian nations from the massive shift to online education in the region. National Coordinator Inter University Consortium Pakistan, Murtaza Noor will shed light on the various steps undertaken in higher education sector of Pakistan especially online education and effective engagement of students. Higher education leadership senior academics and experts will also attend the online session.