Pakistan’s COAS met with the President of Afghanistan and Discussed Latest Developments in the Region

Islamabad, 10th, June 2020, (GNP): A meeting has been held between Pakistan’s COAS (Chief of Army Staff) General Qamar Javed Bajwa and President Ashraf Ghani in Afghanistan where both sides have talked about recent regional developments. President Ashraf Ghani thanked Pakistan’s COAS for playing a mediator role in Afghan Peace Process. He also appreciated the opening of the Torkham & Chaman border for trade through the land and air routes.
Both also discussed Pakistan-Afghanistan and its border management. They agreed dignified and time-bound return of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan is a key towards normalcy.  In the future, both agreed to work over mutual goals.
Last year, President Ashraf Ghani visited Pakistan and was greeted by the PM Imran Khan. The purpose of the visit was related to the Afghan Peace process.  It was his third visit to Pakistan since 2014. Both parties talked about bilateral political, economic, and social developments.