One Year After the Abrogation of 370

By Shaikh Moazzam Khan


By Shaikh Moazzam Khan

On 5 August last year, Indian government stunned the international community by violating all the laws and norms. The belligerent Indian establishment unilaterally abrogated the Article 35A and 370 of Indian constitution, which grants special status to the territory of Jammu and Kashmir. After the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, India allowed outsiders to live in the valley as a permanent citizen of the country which some observers see as a change in the demography of the occupied territory. The abrogation of special status of the Muslim majority state also aimed at suppressing Muslims community and accomplish the long pending dream of Indian government of Hindu Rashtra. Since 5 August 2019, entire valley of Jammu and Kashmir is under the worst kind of communication blockade and lockdown. The Indian government illegally put the political leadership of Jammu and Kashmir under the detention and slapped draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) upon them. The Indian move irked human rights organizations and states and they finally came out to criticize New Delhi’s authoritarian and illegitimate actions.

On the other hand, the world has taken notice of the Indian intentions to change the demography of Jammu and Kashmir. First time they questioned the religious freedom in India and its behaviour towards the minorities especially Muslims community. American President Donald Trump himself asked Prime Minister Modi to ensure religious freedom and human rights of the people living in India and Jammu and Kashmir. US State Department many times reiterated provision of fundamental rights of the people. The annual report of US Congress also criticized Indian government’s treatment of minorities.

Similarly, international media, through its reporting, criticized and exposed Indian government’s authoritarian and nationalist behaviour. They exposed the prevailing sense of Hindutva within Indian establishment. Miffed with the policies of Indian establishment, international media showed reality and exposed the nexus between government and ultranationalist Hindus. Contrary to the international media reports, Indian Media kept mum and continue to publish the Indian government’s narrative, which was beyond reality. Indian Media tried its utmost to ruin the fact and grounds realities in Jammu and Kashmir. Instead of proliferating truth, Indian Media showed Kashmiri people as terrorist and hired guns of Pakistan.

Its been an year when Indian government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Still people of the valley are under lockdown despite the outbreak of coronavirus. They are being denied basic health facilities. They are not allowed to talk to their loved ones, which is making their lives miserable. The people have become psycho patients. Despite the hardships created by Indian government and forces, the spirit of Kashmiri people is high. They are fighting bravely against the Indian Occupied rule. Indian government has failed to change their loyalties despite using every illegal means.

In lieu of the high spirit of Kashmiri people, Indian government used anti-extremist operations another tool to martyr Kashmiris. This Indian attitude created more disdain in the minds of Kashmiri people as hundreds of Kashmiri people have been killed since the abrogation of Article 370. With the barbarism of Indian forces, the anti-India sentiments in the valley has increased to maximum extent. India accuses Pakistan of supporting anti-India elements in Jammu and Kashmir. On the other hand, the people of Kashmir now wants independent state with maximum autonomy. The demands end to Indian illegal rule and their voices cannot remained unanswered for longer period of time. The people are fed up with Indian attitude towards them. Now, India is testing the tolerance level of Kashmiris.

Due to the arrogant and nationalist behaviour of Indian government anything could happen in Jammu and Kashmir. God forbid, if that situation arises, the entire region will have to bear to burn of Indian adventurism. As Indian government is facing severe criticism from opposition parties over its failure to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and dwindling economy, Modi Sarkar (government) may trigger a border conflict with Pakistan across the LoC to divert the attention of domestic audience. But, this is not the solution of any problem.

The world must have to act practically to stop India from following Israeli model in Jammu and Kashmir. They must come out from passing mere statements as it is strengthening Indian arrogant behaviour. They should not view India through the prism of international economic market. The blood of innocent Kashmiri people shouldn’t be wasted. At the time of need, Kashmiris are also looking for something substantial from international community and organizations too.

The world has to demonstrate something positive for Kashmiris. If they failed to act against India, the geo-political situation of region will be different. After that, Pakistan will do whatever it can do to ensure the freedom and provision of basic and fundamental of Kashmiris as entire Jammu and Kashmir is integral part of Pakistan. The people of Jammu and Kashmir also wants to annex their territory with Pakistan and that time is not far away. India will to vacate Jammu and Kashmir.