QAU Alumni Association demands Special package for QAU

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad which is only Pakistani higher education institution ranked among top hundred universities


Islamabad, 20 February 2020 (GNP) : Appreciating the 85th position in Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020, Quaid-i-Azam University Alumni Association (QAU AA) has demanded special package for Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad which is only Pakistani higher education institution ranked among top hundred universities of emerging economies. The core committee of the Alumni Association stated that despite continued annual deficit of more than 500 million rupees, illegal encrochments over its land and other severe problems, QAU has performed exceptionally. With the financial support and patronage by the federal government, this top ranked Pakistani higher education institution could win more laurels for Pakistan both at regional and international levels. They also congratulated Vice Chancellor QAU, faculty, employees, alumni and the students over well deserved recognition of QAU among 533 universities of 47 countries. According to the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad is the only Pakistani University among top 100 institutions with 85th position followed by COMSATS University Islamabad 159, International Islamic University Islamabad 201-250, University of Agriculture Faisalabad 251-300, LUMS 251-300, NUST 251-300, University of the Punjab 301-350, UET Lahore 351-400, University of Peshawar 351-400, BZU Multan 401-500, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi 401-500, UVAS Lahore 401-500, GCU Lahore & University of Sargodha 501+.

The Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Ranking 2020 is based on the 13 same performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings to judge institutions on their teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Released by:Murtaza Noor Secretary General QAU Alumni Association Pakistan 0300-9840120