Lebanon’s new government meets for first time

Prime Minister Hassan Diab, a 60-year-old professor at the American University of Beirut, now heads a cabinet of 20 members, mostly specialists


Beirut-Lebanon, 22 January 2020 (GNP) : After months of protest, Lebanon forms new government naming a new prime minister and cabinet. For 97 days, protestors have criticized corruption that is benefiting the political elite. Hundreds were injured in violent demonstrations over the weekend, which saw Molotov cocktails and rocks exchanged for tear gas and water cannons.
Prime Minister Hassan Diab, a 60-year-old professor at the American University of Beirut, now heads a cabinet of 20 members, mostly specialists backed by political parties.
"I’ve been appointed in the face of many accusations. I wanted to work, not to argue. I have abided by the law informing me to form a government. I followed the rules and regulations to form a new team of ministers. This is a government that represents the aspirations of the demonstrators who have been mobilised nationwide for more than three months,” Diab said.
The new government met for the first time on Wednesday as President Michel Aoun said its main task was to win back international confidence that could unlock the funding the crisis-hit country badly needs.  (GNP)