Turkmenistan is harbinger for peace and prosperity in the region. Andleeb Abbas


ISLAMABAD (GNP): Embassy of Turkmenistan Pakistan in collaboration with Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, organized an Essay Competition and awarded prizes and certificates to winners.
Chief Guest was the Ms. Andleeb Abbas Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Julien Harneis, UN Resident Coordinator in Pakistan was the guest of honor.

Andleeb Abbas congratulated all winners and said that Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government are committed for peace in the region and beyond. She also congratulated Turkmenistan government for celebrating 25 years policy of neutrality with 2020 as "Turkmenistan-Home of Neutrality” theme year.

On the occasion, winners shared their comments and said that this year’s celebration strengthens global understanding about this unique policy. This policy is helping to promote international and regional peace and stability at the regional and global level. Turkmenistan declared this policy as part of its foreign policy, and on 12 December 1995, the UN General Assembly adopted the “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” by the resolution.

To promote deep understanding and functions of the policy of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan within Pakistan, the Embassy of Turkmenistan to Pakistan and Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies organized “Essay Competition on Turkmenistan-Home of Neutrality” where the participants need to answer this question “What do I know about Permanent Neutrality policy of Turkmenistan”. The essay competition invited young diplomats and civil society members creatively express their opinion and understanding about permanent neutrality policy of Turkmenistan and especially keeping in view 25th Anniversary Theme of “Turkmenistan-Home of Neutrality” including write the about Turkmenistan’s role in the globe because of this policy.

There were two categories in the essay competition. In first was for Diplomatic Corps/UN Agencies/other International Organizations and second for all segments of Civil Society with the age limit was 18-35years
Dozen’s people had participated in the competition and finally the jury would decide the best six essays first, second and third categories, who awarded at today event winners is Ms Avani Adhikari, Embassy of Nepal , runner-up are Dr.Hamaneh Karimi-Kia, Embassy of Iran and Ms. Salwa Muneer ,Embassy of Brazil in Diplomatic Corps category.

In Civil society category winner is Ali Zain, student of Bahria University, runner-up are Maria Safdar, student of Kinnaird College for Woman Lahore and Momna Maqsood, student of NDU, Islamabad.