International community must take strong action against Armenian Aggression, Farid Shahbazli


Baku, 16 July 2020 (GNP):  Farid Shahbazli, Editor-in-chief of Azerbaijan’ news agency and Chairman of the Reformist Youth Public Union in his strong statement called on the international community to strongly condemn Armenia’s policy of aggression against Azerbaijan and its provocations on the border. On July 12, the Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire and fired at the positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of the Tovuzregion of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border using artillery. As a result, many soldiers of the Azerbaijani Army were martyred. Farid Shahbazli, noted that as a result of retaliatory fire and counter-offensive measures of the Azerbaijani armed forces, the attack of the Armenian armed forces was prevented. Azerbaijani Armed Forces are monitoring the situation. The Armenian side has not been able to acquire any territory. He further noted that the militarization of the state border with Armenia and the deliberate targeting of civilians continue systematically: Armenia has occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions of Azerbaijan by launching military aggression against Azerbaijan in gross violation of the UN Charter and other international legal obligations. UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 demand the full and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. According to Farid Shahbazli, the provocation committed by Armenia on the border is another proof of official Yerevan’s lack of interest in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijaniconflict through negotiations. He further highlighted that Armenia is trying to involve its military-political organizations in the Armenian-Azerbaijaniconflict, to evade responsibility for the occupation and aggression against Azerbaijan. Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan for 30 years and provocations on the border, as well as contradict the legal documents of the military-political organization. Armenia is trying to justify its policy of aggression and deceive international organizations. while the world community is fighting against COVID-19, this act of attack and provocation was committed by Armenia. This situation and Armenia’s continued ceasefire violation prove once again that Armenia’s support for the UN Secretary-General’s global ceasefire initiative in connection with COVID-19 is nothing but hypocrisy. We call on the international community to strongly condemn Armenia’s policy of aggression against Azerbaijan and its provocations on the border. (GNP)