Kashmir under the Siege

By Shaikh Moazzam Khan


By Shaikh Moazzam Khan

Kashmir is under the siege due to the brutal use of force by Indian forces against the people. Indian forces are illegally occupying the valley since the partition of sub-continent. Indian Armed Forces have killed thousands of innocent Kashmiris who are reeling for the freedom since 1947. Despite addressing the concern of Kashmiri people, Indian government preferred military option to suppress the voices of Kashmiris. Miffed by the policies of successive Indian forces and governments, Kashmiri people have decided to expand their independence movement across the world by highlighting Indian atrocities and authoritarian policies. I salute to their struggle and determination for the independence cause. They categorically refused to bow down before the Indian barbarism and policies.

Since the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A of Indian constitution by Indian parliament, Indian government imposed one of the worst kind of lockdown in the Kashmir valley. Indian government deployed thousands of additional troops the valley to deal with the people by using force and other violent means. The Indian administration is dealing with the people of Kashmir in inhumane way. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are being deprived of basic and fundamental rights. India has also sabotaged their constitutional rights granted by Indian constitution. Since 5 August 2019, there is total communication blackout in the Kashmir valley. There is no internet and mobile network facility for the people. The people of Kashmir are not being allowed to talk to their loved ones. This callous Indian attitude reminds us the policies of new-Nazi Germany.

Indian forces are attacking people of Jammu and Kashmir without any reason. In all this scenario, a heart-wrenching picture of a three-year-old boy sitting by his dead grandfather, who was killed in a militant attack in north Jammu and Kashmir’s Sopore town on June 1, went viral on social media. In the picture, the child is seen sitting on the blood-splattered body of his grandfather named 65 years old Bashir Ahmad from Srinagar. The child was trying to wake up his dead grandfather unmindful of the reality that the latter was no more. As soon as the picture went viral on Social Media, people started to accuse Indian forces of the killing of Kashmiri Muslims. The little boy identified as Ayaad was travelling along with his grandfather Bashir Ahmed Khan from Srinagar to Sopore, where oversaw the progress in construction work at one of his projects. In the video, the boy Ayaad tried to wake his lifeless grandfather up. Social media users sympathized with the deceased man, expressed love for the innocent boy weeping uncontrollably in the viral video.

Strong reaction from the people came after the killing of Bashir Ahmad. Indian government and hardliner Hindus instead of condemning the killing of Mr. Ahmad blamed the deceased of helping militants. BJP’s leaders promoted the narrative of anti-Muslim approach by passing derogatory remarks against the Muslims community and people of Jammu and Kashmir. Thanks to the liberal community living in India who vehemently came out to condemn the attitude of Indian government and its leaders.

While Indian forces are trying to justify the killing of Bashir Ahmad, the surviving child Ayaad exposed Indian brutalities. In a shocking environment, he said that Indian forces killed his grandfather when the deceased was standing peacefully. Indian forces opened fire which resulted in the death of his grandfather. The claim of Ayaad left many questions unanswered for international community and organization about the human rights violations carrying out by Indian forces in the valley.

The question here arise is that what kind of savages kill civilians in front of grandchildren? Do militaries not realise cost of violence on civilians & how that translates into long term resentment & violence? What international community and champions of human rights will say about the incident and atrocities of Indian forces against the people of Jammu and Kashmir? For how long Kashmiri Muslims have to suffer and to what extent? These are the basic questions which needs answers from international community, organizations other watchdogs. President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi said that lament of 3-year-old boy sitting on body of his killed grandfather must be heard by world. As Dr Alvi said, this incident should be the eye opener for international community.

After the broken news of the incident, several Bollywood celebrities criticized various Indian media outlets and publications for putting the pictures of the wailing and petrified child on social media. The Indian print and electronic outlets split into two categories-a group of netizens criticized Indian forces CRPF for the killing while another group praised the security forces for rescuing the child.

The role of international community and other human rights organizations is pivotal this time as they have to stop India from acting illegally against the defenceless people of Jammu and Kashmir. The world must come out to ensure implementation of fundamental and constitutional rights for Kashmiri people. India must stop its policies to change the demography of Jammu and Kashmir by giving nationality to the non-Kashmiris. If this Indian illegal actions continues, the world will witness huge unrest in Jammu and Kashmir soon. The brave people of Jammu and Kashmir have the right to defend their motherland and illegal actions by Indian forces. Indian government must give them the right of self-determination. International community has to ensure these rights. If the world didn’t act this time, it would be a disaster for rest of the world.