Police reforms approve after a demonstration against racism in America


Islamabad 10, June 2020 (GNP): After the protest against racism in America Police reforms has been approved by the district council. The George Floyed death ignited a spark in America against police brutality. The majority of the people in America supported the peace protest and disapprove the reaction of the US presidents Trump on it.

People provoked the hiring of those people in the Metro police department who has misconduct history in their documents and never allowed the acquisition of military weapon in the police department. Peter Newsham who is a D.C in police, set a news conference in which he declared that the police department had already number of reforms in the past two decades and surely they would discuss all the concerns with Charles Allen. He is a council member who introduced the legislation. Moreover, Robert white, district council members said, now the question is that we have to reform the police department or ready to set up new leadership venture to that challenge.

Source: Washington, D.C. approves police reforms after days of protests against racism