KASHMIR: Peace route of South Asia – GNP


Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
President Institute of Peace and Development INSPAD Pakistan

Kashmir conflict has been recognised internationally in United Nations since 1947, by the agreement of most of the countries passed resolutions with majority of votes. India has went to UN for ceasefire not Pakistan and UN passed resolutions to right to self determination of the people of Jammu & Kashmir.

It’s historical fact that kashmir was not part of india, it’s unfinished agenda of divide sub-continent. Kashmiri had their own rich and historical identity, big literature, language, poetry, spiritualism, religious, social and political worth with great traditions, norms and braveness and pioneer of food, art, dresses, pashmina, Shawls designs worldwide.

Spiritual and literature dominations started from hazrat Abdul Rehman Bulbul shah, Hazrat Shah Hamdan, Shaikh ul aalam Makhdom Hamza, Shaikh Nooruddin Reshi, Lela Arifa, Yaqub Serfi, Hazrat Perray Shah Ghazi, Pir Nizam Uddin Auwlia, Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Allama Anwar shah Kashmiri, Sain Sohaili Sarkar, Mian Barkatullah Jhagvi, Mian Muhammad Bakhsh, Ghani Kashmiri, Ghulam Ahmed Mahjor, Khawaja Ghulam Moihuddin Ghaznavi, Baba Shadi Shaheed, Pir Syed Walayat shah Bukhari, Pir Said Ali shah Sohawvi, and hundreds of other great legendary personalities since many centuries.

India captured kashmir by brutal forces attack but Kashmiri never accepted Indian occupation since day of first.

They are fighting back to India with best spirit and sacred cause for their homeland till India give right to self determination to join Pakistan or india. But Indian forces killings innocent population since three generations and Kashmiri giving morally very highest level sacrifices till freedom.
Mr Narendra Modi is a certified and recognised terrorist, fascist since he was CM Gujarat, he had killed thousands of Muslims in Allahabad, Ahmedabad and Gujrarat. He continued killings of Muslims and minorities of India.

Thousands of Muslims injured in Delhi riots this last violence on citizenship law in December. The Muslims blood spilts on Delhi streets. UN, OIC strongly condemns to india illegal action included world leaders.

Modi removed kashmir special status article 370 and 305 A now create domicile problem also. India imposed curfew in Kashmir since 269 days. There is no food, no medical facilities, no any basic rights in kashmir and after CAVID-19 situation kashmiris are in very miserable because they are still facing beating, torture, state terrorism, search operations and injustice in whole state of Jammu Kashmir,latest in hindwara encounter Indian army used heavy ammunition in Pulwama to destroy residential houses to counter ill-trained local rebels, Indian army committing serious war crimes not only to neutralise them but also to destroy civilian property.

Kashmiris have been paying a heavy price for three decades to get there freedom. the World will remain silent because they have economic interests in India. But whole world must put in mind there is no peace without justice in South Asia and all rout of peace going from kashmir and if kashmir dispute not solve urgently then trillions dollars investment in India will be a dark dream for Muslims rulers and western countries who invested in India.

US Congress recent repot said that the long-standing US position on kashmir is that the territory’s status should be settled through negotiations between India and Pakistan while talking into consideration the wishes of the Kashmiri people. The Trump administration has called for peace and respect for human rights in the region, but is criticism have been relatively muted. With key US Diplomatic posts vacant, some observers worry that US government capacity to address South Asian instability is thin, and the US President’s July offer to ‘mediate’ on kashmir May have contributed to the timing of New Delhi’s moves. The United States see’s to balance pursuit of a broad US-India partnership while upholding human rights as well as maintaining cooperative relations with Pakistan’’.

UN, EU and OIC must appoint special envoy for kashmir and allow world agencies Red Cross, Amnesty, HRW, Asia Watch, WHO and other rights & humanitarian organisations to visit kashmir and see grieve condition themselves.

India also committed violations of international law in LOC to continue firing and using automatic arms and heavy guns and many innocent civil populations killed in this firing. But we salute Pak Army who giving big surprise to indian army every place.

India doesn’t accepting any UN treaty, agreement, declaration since long, only doing unlawful activities in Kashmir and with minorities, whole world supporting Kashmiri freedom movement, even UN Secretary General, US President-and President of China offered to mediate on kashmir but india deaf and dum on this point of kashmir.

Worldwide institutions and governments aware the Indian inhuman attitude, barbarian genocide but there is no sense and vision seen in Indian leadership to fulfil their own commitments.

Now a days India harassing Kashmiri Journalists and activists to silent their voices and stop their pen but Kashmiris are very brave and courageous in freedom mission, dozens of journalists detained and under trail Shehla Rasheed,Basharat Masood, gowhar Gillani, Musarat Zohra, Pirzada Ashiq, Umar Khalid, Miran Haidar,Safoora Zargar are victimised by dragon laws.

Allah helping kashmir now, indian term starting now, there are dozen separation movements are very active in Assam, mezoram, Bengal, Khalistan, Arunachal perdash, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, Bihar, jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Perdash, chatisghar these separation movements are very successfully uprising in India, Khalistan movement is top in all because Sikhs are united worldwide.
I m sure Guzva e Hind time is very close to come and indian foolishness will be finish together forever in this holy war.