Rise of Hindutva Ideology

By Shaikh Moazam Khan


By Shaikh Moazam Khan

Islamophobia in India at its peak since the arrival of Narendra Modi in the power corridors of India. After Modi’s arrival as PM of India and rise in his nationalist policies, Hindu fanatics in India are killing and attacking Muslims and their mosques. They are also vandalizing their properties. The groups of ultranationalist Hindus such as Rashtariya Swaim Sawaksang also known as RSS and Bajrang Dal are freely roaming in India after killing Muslims and other minority communities. They are getting the support from Modi government.
Since BJP-led NDA government took over the power in 2014, the incidents of mob lynching have increased to greater extent. The police and other law enforcement institutions are doing nothing to stop these hardliner Hindus and instead giving them protections. Some of these people are part of Indian parliament. As per the information available with Indian Election Commission, BJP has the most criminal Members of Parliament (MP) as compare to other political parties. One of BJP’s female MP from Bhopal Pragya Thakur is just a one example of that list. Mrs. Thakur is accused of plotting bomb blast and killing of some Muslim leaders. Indian political parties strongly condemned BJP’s decision to nominate her as their candidate for Lok Sabha (Lower House of Indian Parliament). However, BJP rejected their criticism and ultimately she won the elections and elected to the Lok Sabha in 2019 elections.
This is just a one example of BJP’s criminal MP’s list. There many others who are involved in various heinous attacks and crimes. But, now world is watching BJP’s nationalist policies. This is not the end of Indian nationalist designs. In the recently held state elections in New Delhi, BJP’s leaders came out openly and threatened Muslims of dire consequences in case of BJP’s victory. Before the elections, Hindu goons looted the shops of Muslims and killed 50 people in the worst ever communal riots after Gujarat Massacre 2002. The Delhi police played the role of facilitator as they failed to arrest the culprits. It is pertinent to mention here that the Delhi police directly reports to the Indian Home Ministry which is currently under the architecture of Hindutva ideology and BJP’s former President Amit Shah.
Thanks to the international media for exposing nationalist designs of Indian government. The surprising fact in the Delhi riots was that Hindu fanatics attacked Muslims in North-eastern area of Delhi at a time when American President Donald Trump was visiting India for state visit. When Hindu attacked Muslims, President Trump was meeting with Prime Minister Modi at his official residence named Hyderabad House just few miles away from the riots hit area. During his joint press conference with PM Modi, reporters repeatedly asked questions about the religious freedom in India and President Trump instead of urging India to honour the rights of minority, called PM Modi as champion of religious freedom. Even American media criticized Trump administrations’ approach towards India on the issue of religious freedom.
Trump’s endorsement gave PM Modi and other Hindu nationalists an ample reason to suppress the rights of minorities. But, international media completely went on to expose Indian actions against minorities especially Muslims community. A few prominent international media organizations such The Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, The Sun, sputnik and many others condemnable the killing of Muslims in north-east Delhi and linked the riots with anti-Sikh riots in 1984 and Gujarat Masscare 2002 which took place during the tenure of the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi. International media called the Delhi riots as systematic and organized activity against Muslims undertaken by Hindu hardliner with the support of some government officials.
The reporting of international media has been biased when it comes to the rights of Muslims across the globe. The surge in the Islamophobic incident across the world especially in Europe has given birth to the increase anti-Muslim approach. Fortunately, this is first time that Western and American media houses have spoken against the organized atrocities under the supervision of government officials. The approach of international media and organizations to expose the Islamophobia and organized violence which Muslims community is facing. As per the reports in international media, the religious freedom is India has decreased after the installation of BJP’s government in 2014.
The incumbent Indian establishment is on the path to accomplish the dream of Hindu Rashtra and Akhand Bharat and for that purpose, it is taking all possible steps. The abrogation of Article 35A and 370 of Indian constitution which grants special status to the disputed territory Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is another attempt to marginalize Muslims living in the valley. By scrapping the autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian government is now changing the demography of the valley and more Hindus are coming to the valley for permanent residence and businesses purpose. To further strengthen its actions and convert them into reality, Indian government has recently introduced Domicile Law in Jammu and Kashmir which allows non-Kashmiris to become the permanent resident of the valley and can purchase property as well.
These Indian illegal actions also needs the attention of global community and organizations. Mere criticism is not enough. The world has to take practical steps to stop Indian government. Otherwise, the consequences would be terrible for the entire world. The rise of Hinutva ideology and Hindu nationalism in India is test case for the world.