Indian Aggression at LoC by Shaikh Moazam khan

Shaikh Moazam khan


Shaikh Moazam khan

There is a very famous saying of Noam Chomsky, “Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism”.

Since the inception Pakistan in 1947, India is targeting civilian population residing across Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK). Since the partition of sub-continent, Indian Armed Forces have martyred thousands of innocent Kashmiri people by targeting their houses with mortar shells and rockets. To violate ceasefire agreement has become routine activity for Indian Army. On the other hand, Pakistan is showing patience and refraining itself from attacking civilians who are residing in Indian side of the LoC. One should not forget here that Pakistan also kept the right to retaliate against Indian aggressions. The belligerent policies of Indian armed forces may trigger another war between the two nuclear armed neighbours. Unfortunately, Indian side is continuously testing the patience of Pakistan Army and try to provoke them. But, thanks to the professionalism of Pakistan Army for not attacking civilians in Indian side.

However, in a befitting reply to the ceasefire violations by Indian Army, Pakistani forces targeted Indian installations (not civilians) at LoC which caused huge loss to Indian Army. Unfortunately, Indian side always tried to hide the ground facts and figures and accuse Pakistan of violating the ceasefire violations and sending Jihadis to the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Now, owing to the befitting reply from Pakistani forces, there are confirmed reports and visuals that shows that Indian Army has started to deploy artillery units inside local villages and nearby civilian houses. This Indian act is truly shameful and condemnable. There is not even a single precedent where Armed Forces use civilian population as a human shield to protect itself from enemy’s attack. This is the right time for the UN to send its United Nation Military Observation Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) to both side of LoC to assess the ground situation and check Indian nefarious designs. The global community also needs to come out and pressurize Indian Army and government for its illegitimate actions.

These Indian actions to use civilian population as human shield reminds us fascist tactics of ancient times. The Indian audacity to use human is totally unacceptable and against the norms of bilateral aggressions and animosity. But, despite these Indian cunning moves, Pakistan is still giving them befitting response. In addition to this, I would must say that India has totally lost its mind and gone warmonger. Indian Army is attacking civilians in AJK at a time when international community is fighting for its survival to defeat the outbreak of pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19). The UN’s Secretary General recent appealed for global ceasefire amid the outbreak of COVID-19. Unfortunately, Indian Army is increasing its warmongering attitude by violating ceasefire violations. In this case, international community should come up and take action against the Modi’s fascist govt for building up hostilities irrespective of the COVID-19 threat.

Indian government needs to realize that it should join hands with Pakistan and other regional players to act decisively against the COVID-19 pandemic, which is in the interests of entire region not only Pakistan or India. God forbid, if the outbreak of COVID-19 go out of control, its consequences would be unbearable. In that case, South Asian states will have to prepare for lowest growth rate and economic recession. Therefore, this is the time to think wisely instead of animosity. Only bilateral and regional cooperation is the sole solution to defeat the pandemic. This is beyond the capacity of single state. The time has also come for the batter and positive utilizations of regional organization South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which is dead organization as of now.

If Indian government thinks it can accomplish its objectives by attacking civilians and violating ceasefire agreement, then its judgement is beyond reality. Pakistani armed forces always replied in a befitted way to Indian aggressions. So, the Indian government will have to come forward and cooperate with Pakistan for the betterment of this region. Indian Army must learn professionalism from Pakistan Army. Attacking civilians and then using them as human shield will not serve the right purpose. It will further spoil the already bad reputation of Indian Armed Forces when it comes to the track record of Human Rights.

By and large, Indian government will have to accept that Kashmiris are no longer loyal to their forces and country. Indian Armed Forces are adding fuel to the fire due to their brutalities and rights violations. These Indian actions will have lasting spill over effects on the future of India. Time is flying and Indian writ in Jammu and Kashmir is becoming weaker day by day due to economic, social and cultural disparities. Using humans as shield is not the solution to any problem. To initiate dialogue with Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership is the only solution. Otherwise, war or aggressions are not the solution. The global community must come out and urge Indian leadership to stop brutalities and barbarism in the valley.