IUCPSS Launches Awareness Campaign on COVID-19
Islamabad : 15th March 2020 (GNP): The Inter-University Consortium for the Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan (IUCPSS), the largest network of Pakistani universities along with its member & partner university and organisations has launched an awareness campaign on coronavirus. In this regard, special public service messages and programs would be aired on channels, social media pages and various campus radios for the larger benefit of the students and general community across the country. This campaign will be run with the assistance of universities and social media volunteers. Moreover, technical assistance would be provided to the universities for the engagement of the students through online modes. Various online capacity building sessions will also be organized. A special helpline has also been established for the technical assistance of member and partner universities. In addition, daily updates, government instructions and best international practices being adopted by the universities across the globe, are also being shared with the universities on regular basis.