Kashmir and Nagorno Karabakh are two important unfinished agendas of the UN, Speakers

Kashmir Kashmir is a longstanding conflict on United Nations agenda, disputed territory recognized by Security Council members


Islamabad, 20 February 2020 (GNP) : Kashmir and Nagorno Karabakh’s conflicts are waiting for the international community to take serious actions and try to resolve the conflicts and save the humanity as per the Charter of the United Nations. These were the remarks by the speakers on the occasion of the Seminar organized by Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies in collaboration with Riphah Institute of Public Policy, Riphah International University cordially invite you to a Seminar on "Kashmir and Nagorno Karabakh Conflicts: Similarities and Challenges” wherein Syed Fakhar Imam, Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs was the Chief Guest. While addressing the gathering honorable chairman said that Kashmir Kashmir is a longstanding conflict on United Nations agenda, disputed territory recognized by Security Council members and solution to resolve this issue to carry out plebiscite under the umbrella of United Nations. The world has now realized that war is not the solution to the Kashmir conflict and must be resolved according to the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.  The focus of the world is now Kashmir, the recent visit of the UN Secretary-General, President of Turkey and regular call by the President of the USA for mediation and pressure from the European Countries, the role of China and other countries are creating pressure on India to resolve the issue. Thus Pakistan has been able to remain successful in raising the voice of Kashmiris at all international forums hence making the world witness the true face of India.  Now the world talk about the Kashmir issue, Humanitarian crisis in the region, violation of human rights, world discourage the Modi fascist policy and this was the victory of Pakistan. Dr. Muhammad Khan, Faculty Member, Department of International Relations, International Islamic University, highlighted the similarities between the two conflicts and said that both conflicts are the legacy of the colonial rule and the world must realize that without resolving these important issues, there can neither be peace in Caucuses and nor in South Asia.

Dr. Sarwat Rauf, Assistant Professor, National University of Modern Languages, explained in detail about similarities and challenges facing Kashmir and Nagorno-Karabakh and said as both Pakistan and Azerbaijan enjoy deep-rooted relations, there is a strong need to develop academia linkages in order to build understanding find a way forward. Sardar Usman Attique, Chairman, AJK Pakistan Muslim Conference  Youth Wing, spoke on the occasion and said that the voices of the Kashmiri youth are being suppressed and there is uncertainties in the lives of Kashmiris after the notorious acts of incumbent Modi government and abrogation of Article 370. The world must take notice of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir.  A large number of Faculty members, academia, media, diplomats and members of civil society were present on the occasion. (GNP)