Pakistan's Premier Multilingual News Agency

Pakistan-Uzbekistan Revolutionizing the Regional Connectivity with Strong Bond Enriching the Global Peace and Prosperity

H.E Mr. Furqatbek Akhmed Sidiq, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan


August 28, 2019, Islamabad: GNP: Pakistan and Uzbekistan are revolutionizing the Regional Connectivity with Strong Bond and Partnership in various areas of cooperation and enriching the regional and global peace and prosperity. Pakistan and Uzbekistan have shared the commonality of the values of history, glorious past with the vision of a bright future together, culture and religious affinity and deep-rooted diplomatic relations that are brotherly, contemporary and dynamic ready to meet the challenges of the region and globally. These were the remarks by the H.E Mr. Furqatbek Akhmed Sidiq, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan while speaking to the participants of the second International Young Diplomats School at the Briefing Session hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Pakistan. The International Young Diplomats School was organized by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies in collaboration with the Commission on Science and Technology for the Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) in Islamabad. The Three days course has the participants of the school are from the different regions of Pakistan with diverse professional and academic backgrounds including businessmen/women and journalists.

Ambassador Furkatbek Sadiq shared with the participants of the school that there are new avenues opening up to the people of both countries to build the relationship higher than before. Ambassador of Uzbekistan said that Pakistan can avail these opportunities to connect to the world through provided by Uzbekistan while Uzbekistan has so much great to explore through Pakistan reaching from Gawadar to the globe. The ambassador said that Uzbekistan is opening and relaxing the visas for the Tourists to Uzbekistan including several important steps that will revolutionize the tourism in Uzbekistan to a record level. Trade volume between Pakistan and Uzbekistan is rising day by day with new joint ventures happening with each passing day. Both sides are collaborating in the sphere of media, education institutions, agriculture institutions and shared learning including the sharing of knowledge and technology. Russia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and Pakistan are creating new railway links for greater and swift transfer of goods and services. The implementation of this project will make it possible to increase the trade turnover of the connected countries.
Moreover, it provides an opportunity to provide access to promising markets in all directions, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan connected them to the countries of Central Asia and beyond. While sharing views, Ambassador said that Afghanistan is a regional issue and the countries are playing their role in a constructive manner to resolve the issues that are affecting the entire region and beyond. He further added that in Uzbekistan there are new possibilities of transfer of electricity from Uzbekistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan. These kinds of interventions will help Afghanistan and Afghan people to rebuild their lives. Pakistan and Uzbekistan share the same sentiments for the peaceful resolutions of the regional conflicts. There are strong avenues of cooperation with Uzbekistan about Ziyarat Tourism as well. He has also shared with the Student about the glorious scientists and academicians that are from Uzbekistan and who have made their marks in the world that is off today. He has shared with the audience that today’s smartphone is because of the great Muslim Scientist AlKhwarzmi, the great scientist that has invented Algebra and with the algorithm, this technological revolution could not have been possible. He was also of the view that we need to make the new generations or millennial to have the knowledge and understanding about their glorious history of the Muslim scientist and their imprints on the world of today. GNP
