Ahsan Iqbal promised internships to Youth

Ahsan Iqbal, Minister of Planning and Commission, vowed to provide assistance and internships to youth under development schemes.

Islamabad, 2 March 2023 (GNP): Ahsan Iqbal, the Minister of Planning and Commission, promised in a meeting in Islamabad on Wednesday to give young people internships for a duration of six months to a year.

40,000 young people would receive internship opportunities in commercial and public institutions, Iqbal stated while presiding over the Prime Minister Internship Program review meeting in Islamabad.

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He claimed that the government’s development initiatives would provide educated young people with greater work options by allowing them to gain expertise in related industries. A stipend of Rs 25,000 would be granted to each youth each month.

Ahsan acknowledged that the nation was having economic difficulties but added that despite the dire economic situation, the government had initiated a program to train the youth.

Engineers and other technical students, according to Ahsan Iqbal, lack employable skills, the necessary technical skills, and these internship program will be a way of doing that.

He urged the organizations to make sure they went above and above to train the interns.


Ahsan IqbalIslamabadPlanning and CommissionYouth Internship