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George Soros muted donations for political causes

The US billionaire George Soros and his foundation the Open Society Foundations network gave donations and aids to such such groups and organizations that were supporting the liberal politics. Hence favoring the US democrats indirectly.

Washington, 5 January 2023 (GNP):  The tax filings of the billionaire George Soros revealed that he had surreptitiously donated $140 million to advocacy and policy initiatives organizations in 2021.

The funneling of these donations was carried out by the Open Society Policy Center (OPSC), which works under the umbrella of Soros’s Open Society Foundations network. From there, it was then disbursed into their targeted goals.

The editorial director of Soros’s Open Society Foundations network, Tom Watson, also confirmed that some of the grants went into organizations that work for voter and voting causes for participation in their societal politics. The majority of these issues are discussed and supported by the US Democrats in their politics and campaigns. This ultimately cast doubt over Soros’s spending.

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From January 2020 to 2021, Soros contributed a staggering amount of half a billion dollars to political causes and campaigns he strongly believes in.

Apart from his Open Society Foundations networks grants to other organizations and advocacy firms, the political causes and candidates also received another amount of $170 million from George Soros personally in the midterm elections of 2022 on whose causes and candidacy he believed.

The Open Society Foundations were legally structured in such a way as to easily evade any grip of US laws. Being described as the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for democracy, human rights, and good governance, it operates all over the world.

It also provides donations through its Open Society University network to different universities and affiliated institutions for carrying out research projects for the betterment of humanity.

Such a labyrinth of organizations, groups, and affiliations nearly makes it impossible to easily track down the grants and donations doled out by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations network and the causes they are used for.

However, when George Soros or his Open Society Foundations network were contacted about this funding, none were available to comment on this.

