WHO Head visited the PGGA in Islamabad

The World Health Organization (WHO) Head of mission in Pakistan Dr. Palitha Mahipala visited the Pakistan Girls Guide Association headquarters on 11th October 2021, in Islamabad. 

Islamabad, 11 October 2021 (GNP): The World Health Organization (WHO) Head of mission in Pakistan Dr. Palitha Mahipala visited the Pakistan Girls Guide Association headquarters on 11th October 2021, in Islamabad.

The WHO Health Emergency Programme (WHE) team lead Pakistan Dr. Michael Lukwiya along with WHO Pakistan staff were also present there.

The WR was received by the National Commissioner, Pakistan Girls Guides Association, Mrs. Maria Maud Sabri. The purpose of the visit was to promote the “Wear a Mask Protect Pakistan” Campaign.

Dr. Palitha advised the Pakistan Girls Guides Association members present, guiders, students, and staff of the association on adherence to public health measures: wearing the mask, hand hygiene, and physical distance.

The WR and team distributed masks and IEC materials to the members, guiders, students, and staff. The National Commissioner appreciated WHO support and pledged to ensure the implementation of public health measures at their institutions.

WHOWHO Project