Empowering Women in SCO Space: Insights from International Conference

Participants decided to defend women's rights and interests, in large part because of the broad use of ideas and best practises from SCO member states in the field of support for women.

Tashkent, 3 March 2023 (GNP): In quest of empowering women, the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy collaborated with the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan to host a symposium on “Women in the SCO space: mutually beneficial cooperation” on March 3.

The conference’s objectives were to increase cooperation amongst SCO nations’ institutions for women and to look at how important women are becoming to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Women in the SCO space: mutually beneficial collaboration”

The event was attended by leaders of women’s groups from the SCO nations, as well as individuals from business, culture, research, and education, as well as the Senate and Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.


Participants in the conference stressed the value of gender equality and its implications for social stability, democracy, and economic progress in the SCO member nations.

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They also discussed the challenges women face in the area and the requirement for legal guidelines to protect and uphold women’s rights in SCO member states.

A good legal framework to advance women’s status was cited as an example in the Plan for achieving gender equality in Uzbekistan until 2030.

Participants appreciated the specific efforts made by the nation in this regard to assist women’s leadership, reproductive health, employment, and protection from gender-based violence.

Also, they emphasised Uzbekistan’s successful implementation of its housing programme for persons with socioeconomic vulnerabilities.

The need of enhancing information exchange and jointly developing cutting-edge tactics for protecting women’s rights and legitimate interests was heavily emphasised during the conference. It also emphasised the importance of increasing their involvement in scientific and social pursuits.

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In addition, participants decided to defend women’s rights and interests, in large part because of the broad use of ideas and best practises from SCO member states in the field of support for women.

The conference aimed to promote mutual collaboration among the women’s institutions of the SCO countries

Participants also talked on ways to get youth movements and women’s groups to actively engage in the SCO’s regular forums for women.

They came to a conclusion by developing appropriate suggestions and recommendations that would form the basis for the development of new projects and initiatives centred on women’s empowerment in the SCO space.

As a result, women’s rights and interests will be safeguarded, gender equality will be upheld, and women’s leadership and entrepreneurship in the SCO sector will be encouraged.

In terms of creating a venue for experience exchange, the conference on “Women in the SCO space: mutually beneficial collaboration” was a success.

Coordination of efforts to improve state legislation and policy to better support the operation of the social security system for empowering women was made possible.

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