ChatGPT becomes world’s fastest growing app

The Chatbot got 100 million users in only 2 months.

Islamabad, 6 February 2023 (GNP): ChatGPT – the popular artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, is reported to have reached 100 million users just two months after its launch. According to a report by SimilarWeb, the chatbot clocked 13 million users per day in January. The platform has surpassed other social media apps, including Instagram and TikTok, which took 2.5 years and 9 months, respectively, to cross 100 million users.

Despite only having been made available to the public in December, the brand-new chatbot ChatGPT has already racked up 57 million monthly active users. According to a fresh analysis from investment bank UBS, it is anticipated to have more than 100 million active users per month by the end of January.

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Lloyd Walmsley, an analyst commented after hearing the news: “This is the fastest consumer application I have seen to hit 100 million monthly active users in my career covering this space.The ramp has been extraordinary.”




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